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Secure Business Data

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To protect business data, we understand critical information and information sharing hierarchy within the business. Our experts then design secure data access controls. Enhanced protection for business data ensuring that there is absolute control to avoid any unauthorized incoming traffic or unwanted software installation or use.

Protect Your Network

As a leading provider of tech support services, iYogi understands the importance of protecting IT assets and confidential information from security threats. A security breach can result in data theft causing irreparable damage to your business. Your servers could crash if they are infected by malware such as viruses or spyware. As part of its endeavor to comply with global security standards, iYogi is now ISO/IEC 27001 certified. iYogi leverages its expertise in security compliance to help you follow the best practices and put in place processes to protect your computer network and business data.

Security Assessment

iYogi ensures offering an efficient security management support structure, which involves expert support team members who can offer on-demand assessments and solutions. The security related issue / query could be from, but not limited to: current security status / update for all Windows desktops, security provisions for the setup Server – Exchange, AD, etc, options to secure the different Internet access points, deploying fixes for any known / discovered vulnerabilities, and much more.
