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May 13th, 2013
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More and more Indians are buying smartphones, with entry-level smart devices now costing as little as Rs5000; these are for devices with contemporary software instead of a slightly outdated smartphones which can be picked up for under Rs2500 as well; the opportunity for malicious content and threats over smart devices is also growing.

Take devices using Google’s Android system, while the open nature of the software has meant that almost anyone can manufacture and sell a Android Smartphone; it has also meant that there are a lot of rogue applications often on third-party application stores that could be malicious. Other apps may not be malicious but these often run in the background using up charge, and believe me getting stuck with a dead smartphone is a horrible thought for many of us.

There has not been a massive breach of security as yet, but as we depend on our smartphones for more and more of our lives, from storing pictures to even conducting banking, the need to keep them secure arises. Now, the ‘smarter’ smartphone users really don’t need much help, they can analyse and optimise a phone in a few swipes.

But not everyone is a self-declared ‘tech guru’ and as smartphone sales increase, there is a growing population of 40-plus citizens out there who are confused by the phones that they use. Not everybody has a precocious pre-teen to help them out, but they also do not want to be   stuck in the mobile phone stone ages, they can afford and wish to use a smartphone.

Recently, I experienced some of the innovation that Gurgaon-based iYogi was doing on the application front here. The company is about to launch a cloud-based security and tech-support application that will make life a lot easier for those who need this help. In addition to having several advanced features such as an “app killer” it also has direct access to cloud-based tech-help, whether it is on how to upload a video to YouTube or it is to improve battery life.

For a small monthly fee, iYogi which has positioned themselves as an online tech-support company can have its agents on chat or even call you to help out with a particular problem. Now, many of these problems could be very minor, but for those who are trying to go smart for the first time, ought to look at this solution. The iYogi app is available on the Google Play, iTunes App Store and the Windows Phone Marketplace or you could just go to to get instructions.

Via The Pioneer
